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Guild Seige

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Guild Seige Empty Guild Seige

Post  TRicKAsZ Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:40 pm

Hihihihihihhi... its trick here^^;; my first posttttt.... omggg fun fun forum^^;;
Anywayyyy for those of you who have not seige before, I will post the following information to help aid you in Seige =p

Guild Seige types.

There are 2 different types of wars you can choose from.
1. 5 Guilds vs all. (10 members each team) Cost 100M To enter
2. 1 On 1 Guild . This also 10 Members.

1 On 1 Seige

Ok basically in a 1 on 1 seige, your are fighting 1 on 1 vs a Random selected guild
opponent. The guild that wins is the guild that wins 6/10 Battles. Please enter
1 on 1 Guild Seige on youtube, to see what it is like.

5 vs 5 Guild Seige.

Ok, This is the best of all seiges. The winner of guild wins the Guild seige title.
(Soon to be DeVoTeD). Ok in this seige it is best to bring the following items.

Gold Pills
Scroll of velocity( Everyone is fast and jumps in seige, *Hard to target)
Remantis Lacotte ( CS FOOD HEALS ALL HP *NO COOL DOWN TO EAT, Good for high hp)
Activation Scroll ( Need this if you are Psy, and Spam Action slot skill)
Vital DrinkX ( NEED IF YOU ARE FP USER.... LIKE Yoyo-Jester, So no hassle of FP POT)
Grilled Eel ( Only need if you are HIGH STAM BUILD, * Useless if you have less then 80stam)
Transy ( This is the skilled player, Transform into BabyAibatt In defence mode, Transform Out when attack. This + Velocity scroll and quick step = Cannot get Attack, So hard!!)
FireWorks ( Haha this is new idea but too lag other players, I Will try this seige... Hop + fire works so they cannot see me ^^)...
Pets ( Bring pets to maximise ur stats, Always an advantage to have pet then no pet)

Seige Guide.

1. Come to seige 1 hour early.
2. Person who is leader, Apply and register for seige (100m)
3. Members wait in Server 1 Flaris, Your name will appear on left side with Guild team.
4. When it is time to enter seige you will teleport near the guild npc.
5. Now talk to [Guild Seige Manager] Frankie and click join, Then say ok. You will be teleported into arena.
6. Now you have to regroup inside, You have 5 minutes to wait. When 1 minute left, RMS Buff your team.
7. When 5 minutes up, you will teleport inside the Seige arena. Then now you wait 50 seconds before battle begins. During this time you cannot attack. But its best you RUN AND JUMP AWAY FROM BP... So you dont die straight away.
9. To win seige, guild needs most points. Kill other guild member =2 points, Kill guild leader = 3 points.
10. In Seige you have 6 lives. When you die you spawn back outside arena, and wait to spawn back again . You spawn again once timer is up. It will say which slot you want to enter. There are 4 slots. 1-2-3-4. It doesnt matter what you pick.
11. When you have no lives lefft, you can no longer enter arena. ^^;; So stay and support your guild!

Guild Seige Tactics.

1. Always Run and jump.... *using velocityy scroll. After you Attack and kill, Run and jump again. If you dont run and jump you become easy target = Dead.
2. Attack players you know you can kill maybe in 1 hit or FAST...
3. Kill share. If you see opponent getting attacked and have low hp, Steal the kill^^..
4. Do not attack and waste time attacking HIGH HP CHARACTERS, Example is Kazemi and Cutekitten.. They have over 60k hp.. DONT ATTACK THEM.. THEY ARE BAIT... AND THERE MEMBER WILL KILL YOU.... YOU CANNOTKILL THEM THEY HAVE CS FOOD = NEVER DIE..
Only Kill them once all there fighters are dead^^....

Individual Tactics

Ranger : Silent arrow ALL MAGES AND RMS so they cannot cast Skills. Use run and jump, THEN DI When you can... Then shoot then run and jump. DI AGAIN...

BJ: Dont attack high blockers.. Waste of time.. BJ Should gain points killing off the low hp people or weak people. *BP is also waste of time because of Prevention. *BECAREFUL OF CRUCIO.. MAKE SURE YOU EAT FOOD WHEN YOU ATTACK PSY...

RM: Buff your members in need. Quick step is very important. Make sure when you die and respawn outside, To find your members and buff them please..
When inside arena SPAM HC at all the people to kill... =p

Blade: Sneaker before you attack people. SNEAKER SNEAKER SNEAKER!!!!


BillPoster: RUN and JUMP... ASAL... RUN AND JUMP.. ASAL...

YoyoJester: Run and jump. DI. HOP. Run and Jump. DI . Hop. Aim for the people almost dead and hop them. *Kill share. Then run and jump. Also HOP player you aree are being HC'ed...

Elementor: ..... I dont think we have any eles.. But just windfield. Run and jump.
* You cannot Blink teleport in arena.

Psy: Run and jump also... *Cannot blink teleport in arena. Have spirit bombs Action sloted.. Once you kill.. Run and jump again...

Ok..... DONE.... FOR MORE QUESTIONS PLEASE POST, I will try reply and help you out.. Or talk to TRicKAsZ in game.... THANKS LAAAA~~~



Posts : 1
Join date : 2008-07-09

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Guild Seige Empty Re: Guild Seige

Post  clementclj Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:35 am

thks alot my bro, alot of infomation there...hope tis all info can let devoted member win the GS!!!!! rdy to pwn!!! Evil or Very Mad

Posts : 11
Join date : 2007-11-24

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