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Hopefully this Helps Mamma!!!!

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Hopefully this Helps Mamma!!!! Empty Hopefully this Helps Mamma!!!!

Post  michaelhulk Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:23 pm

In response to Rose’s frightfulness of guild siege, this has been deliberately created to satisfy her desire for knowledge and understanding of different classes in a pvp situation. These are all based on my knowledge and if there is anything wrong or you just simply like to add something, please feel free to contribute.

Str Build:

These blades are built only to hit hard and kill fast. They are more generally better for grinding purposes such as giant hunting. Their only measure of protection is there solid defense, they don’t have much dex meaning attacks from enemies are unlikely to miss or be blocked. Therefore they must be tanky enough to take the blows directly. In a pvp situation, they may be able to quickly finish opponents in a single blow. However
due to them not being able to take many normal attacks, and they being vulnerable to spells and attacks like asal and hit of penya, they are considered the worse pvp class and its not recommended for them to even attempt guild siege unless they have over 20k hp.

Dex Build:

Having mostly dex, these blades are able to block or dodge most hits without being damage to greatly. However a true dex blade will sacrifice nearly all str for dex, therefore they are unable to hit hard and is also unsuitable for pvp. They will hit so less that they wont provide an asset in a guild siege. Also they still have the weakness of all other blades being that they must have sufficient hp to tank blows such as spells and asal and hit of penya. These blades would be able to compete against bow jesters due to the attacks missing and being blocked. They are also able to compete against str build blades as they are unlikely able to land a blow on a dex build blade. All other classes do not need to fear these builds as they arnt able to strike hard enough to cause serious damage. Those that have str in there blades are not dex blades and should be placed in the hybrid category.

Hybrid Build:
Hybrid builds sacrifice some str for dex and sta. they are generally a all rounded type blade possessing blocks and misses of a dex build blade and the abililty to hit hard like a str build blade. However once again they lack the ability to combat against spell casters and hits that negate the effects of miss and block. These blades are similar to dex build blades in that they should be able to defeat bow jesters and str build blades. However with there high damage, they might be able to take down knights. Its dependent on how much they can tank, for e.g our guild member paku can have a max of 30k hp. With this amount of hp, he can successfully take a direct beating of 2 asal, or penya strikes with no problem. It would take probally 8 spells b4 he is down. Therefore he should always try to strike them down first, sneakering bp but just attempting to get close to all other classes. Elementors are a big pain for blades and other classes should support blades to take them down first. Psy are another problem in that their satanology can stop the blades from approaching making them unable to reach their targets.

Sta Build:
These knight are all about tanking, they pump their stats into sta as it produces the biggest effect for their class out of all classes. Any other classes with the same amount of hp would suffer 20% lesser amount of hp(perhaps 14%). These knight are usually seen aoe-ing large amounts of mobs with little difficulty due to there naturally high hp and defense that comes with every point of sta. these guys are perfect for tanking all normal attacks as they are unlikely able to pierce through their significant defense. Even if they manage to do so, their high amounts of hp would take opponents forever to defeat these classes. However with high amounts of tanking ability means the loss to hit hard. The only way they can successfully damage an opponent is to really on action slots. If they are in a bunch, aoe skills can be helpful, however due to them having to be in close range to successfully lunch a aoe skill, it is recommended that other classes take this job. Aoe skill would be effective if many targets attempt to gank knights. When having to chase targets down, its important to sneaker them due to the knights natural hit being slow and ineffective. They should be enable to due full damage from their action slot, other wise the target just escapes and renders the knights ability useless. They don’t really fear hits from asal and hit of penya as these knights have sufficient hp to tank them. Nevertheless they should be concerned about these blows, as tanking 5 consecutive blows would definitely take them out. Psy and elementors are a great concern and should be taken down with the assistance of high damage classes (yoyo jesters and Billposters). They negate the natural high defenses of knight. Sneakering these classes might be useless as they can teleport, therefore its suggested that knights should keep there distances from them and tank other classes or even attempt to defeat them.

Str Build:
These knight are all about hitting hard, just like a str blade they are unable to block or cause misses, however they do posses the difference of being able to tank more effectively then str blades as each point of sta does produce a greater effect. In a guild siege situation, they are unable to defeat any classes effectively, they are probably even worse then str build blades as a hit from a str blade might take them down instantly. If they rely on their action slot to hit the target, they will be able to deal great amounts of damage, usually capable of taking down at least one target. However due to there low hp, they are unable to tank and would practically instantly go down in a single blow.

The most
successful knight must be able to use their ability to tank, however they should also be able to produce damage. Otherwise they will either be unable to take damage or deal them.

Built for aoe-ing, these bow masters are equipped with high hp and major blocks and misses. Instead of relying on solid defense they rely on there blocks to maintain mobs while slowly subduing them. Due to their necessity of blocks and misses, they don’t have as much hp and defense as the typical knight. Because of this they suffer difficulty in blocking blows like asal and hit of penya. But with the dark illusion skills, the can hide from these skills and concentrate their fire on unsuspecting foes. The can be very effective against magic caster as they have a natural skill to block magic damage, also there silence arrows can stop them from using the action slot for a few seconds, giving enough time for allies to escape for barrages of spells or even the time to kill these magic casters. Against attackers who use normal attacks, the ranger should have no difficulty
in withstand those blows for a long period of time. Therefore the ranger should proceed to killing those who causes threat to allies or subdue magic casters including RM’s. By giving them a big enough distraction such as ice of fire arrow and even silence arrow, the rm could be forced to use heal rain just to support themselves giving you an opportunity to take another target down. It also stops them from spamming Holy Cross, which can be deadly to tanky targets. The ranger is not suitable for hit and run tactics, however they should use it
to their advantage. Fast walk can quickly get you to your target and escape from others.

Bow Jester:
Bow Jester is similar to str blades and knights in that they are made more for grinding. They rely on their high dex to block and cause misses, but they have lower damage in comparison to an str blade even max’ed out in dex. Cause of this, they tend to completely max their dex giving them a weak piont in terms of maximum hp. They probably have the lowest hp of all targets and can be taken out in a single blow of either asal or hit of penya. They rely on dark illusion to sneak up on foes and their range so that they take time to find their target. However when discovered the BJ has little chance of escaping as any combination of skills could quickly take them out.

Yoyo jesters are far better at pvp in comparison to its oppositional build. However it does not have the high block and hit rate like the bow jesters. Therefore it cannot withstand much attacks head on. Instead this class is far more suitable for the hit and run tactic. With their hit of penya skill able to damage 10K+ damage, they can quickly subdue mages(who get the least amount of hp per sta) in most cases and other classes. When put up against a knight or other high hp targets, the jester should ensure that all other targets are down before facing them. With their knock back effects, it becomes difficult for knights to concentrate their
skills and aoe on these yoyo jesters. Yoyo jesters have very low hp just like their counterparts the bow jesters, therefore if given the chance to take one down. Bp’s and other jesters should concentrate their fire on them before they can sneak up on another ally.

BillPoster though tend to rely on asal have two builds. One emphasizes on the asal skill while the other concentrates on hitting hard and fast. Hitting hard and fast in conjunction with their stone hand skill ca be very effective. Its causes the opponent to be unable to move which allows the bp to concentrate its attack on its foe. However high defenses classes that can reduce their damage to nothing can negate this effect causing them to be useless. In most cases, the bp is unable to deal enough damage without the use of asal and cannot hold its ground as it can only take one target at a time. While one target maybe stun, its vulnerable to other targets. That’s why some bp concentrates all their attack into one blow, the famous asal. Asal is dependent on mana and strength. It is capable of inflecting up to 30k of damage that can instantly take out most opponents. However to achieve this damage it takes a lot, also after completing this attack, the bp becomes completely vulnerable to all attacks. The billposter can be used both as a normal but paralyzing attacker, or a hit and run tactic depending on its build. Bp’s should attempt to have more then 10k hp as they can be easily taken down within a few blows, or a yoyo jester attacking them with hit of penya

Ring Master is a must have in any kind of battle, they supply buffs healing and other supporting skills. They may only support in battle by supplying buffs restoration and healing. But they are also capable of taking down targets with their aoe skill. However the maximum damage for this skill rarely exceeds 3k, and with the delay of 2 seconds and it not being able to follow its target, it is highly unlikely this skill will be able to kill. Even if hc is used on the target while the aoeing is taking effect, the target can quickly escape from the range of the aoe skill. Hc’ing a target could greatly help in taking down a target. Especially when the target is a tank, when someone initiates an attack against a tank, rm should attempt to hc the target so it can be taken down much more quickly. However the greater importance of an rm is to heal and supply buffs so that each member can fight at full efficiency. They should also be weary of enemies as some decide to attack the weakest target. This is usually the rm as they are unable to fight back, all they can do is either run or stand there and attempt to heal them until support comes. All allies should attempt to protect their rm’s as they are the biggest assets to the team. A guild without their rm is like a handicapped guild. Due to the rm being great assets to the team, it is highly effective to target the rm first so that in late games, the enemies have no rm to use for buffing and healing purposes. Before targeting tanks, everyone should focus their attacks to eliminate rm’s so that the tanks have no support. This can be highly dependent on the team. A team of bp and yoyo jester’s should attempt to take down the rm last, as your bigger objective is to take down foes instantly. With your high damage capabilities, the rm’s would be little threat if no fighters are available to assets them in combat. A team of people who don’t compose completely of these fighters should try to make the battle last as long as
possible leaving the tanks for last. They should try to take down the high damagers first then concentrate on rm and finally tanks.

The satanology psy can be a pain in the arse, first gripping you so you cant moves then bombarding you with high damaging skills till your dead. They are able to teleport that means sneakering them would be useless, however it does cause them to lose their ability to run effective and be forced to take a few blows when in the range vicinity of an enemy. Satanology psy tend to pump every last stat into int, this is because they depend on stopping an enemy then killing them as fast as possible. Without sufficient int, they will kill too slow causes it a terrible pain to lvl. Due to this, their hp is extremely low, usually not higher then 5k at lvl 100’s.
these means that rangers and other people who can sneak up on them can quickly take them out. Even the very first skill might be able to take them out. Link 3 of these in your action slot, they are gone. The satan psy can just about take out any opponent as long as they don’t have a support attack you while you
bombard them with spells. In most cases, in the highly resistant ranger has difficulty in blocking your blows as your int is so incredible that you still inflict terrible damage in a single hit. Linking up even 3 of these skills can
quickly take out most targets with the exceptions of tanks. However, they are still an incredible threat in the battle field and ranger’s silent arrows should be avoided so that maximum damage can be produced.

The aoe-psy can be quite tanky, even though mages don’t get much hp for each sta (18% less then other classes) the have quite a high defense with their shields. Their spells negate defense blocks and miss of other targets and are extremely useful when enemies are packed together in a group. They should use the teleportation skills to their advantage to get into the middle of the enemies and quickly annoy them.

The Elementor can be used in two ways, either as a tank or a hit and run tactics. They can be quite tanky,
however they cannot compete to other classes high hp in terms of tankyness. There spells are able to ignore defense and their wind field is major harass in the battlefield. Reducing enemy speeds by 50%, they can simply stay at a distance harass them with this skill till they die, or harass and teleport away. These is extremely effective for melee class targets and can sometimes even get unsuspecting foes that are under the effect of dark illusions. Due to the great range of their skills and the annoying effect, range classes should attempt to take out all kinds of spells caster as their first priority.

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Hopefully this Helps Mamma!!!! Empty continuation, this actually probally more useful for rose

Post  michaelhulk Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:24 pm


This section
is completely for mamma because she is scared, hopefully this is all you really
need to read to get a good idea of what to do. Your first priority is to buff.
Make sure everyone is buffed so that they can fight at full effectiveness, try
not to be too concerned about sf and gt. Instead give them quick walk first,
heap beef cannon accuracy and cat reflex. Then haste. After that concentrate on
a new target for buffing. When all buffing is completed, concentrate on true
assisting. This is the difficult part, make sure you are not being chased while
ur buffing and assisting. All other team members should be trying to protect
you while hunting for those their class is good against. If you happen to be
sneakered or satan, remember that you have a debuffing spell. Use it to
escape!! Your biggest attention with no offense to other people is paku, being
he is famous and the tank that cant really run away, besides from youself he is
the biggest target. Buff him with sf and gt when possible and when he is being targeted
heal him. Try to debuff him when he is satan or sneakered and you will notice
him slashing away at targets taking them down with 4 hits. When your members
are near you and enemies are still coming in, as long as they are buffed ignore
your allies and proctect yourself. Beside from paku, wooof and trickaz can use
di to escape even if they are not buffed. Remember that your buffs last 10
minutes, don’t rebuff unless they are 5 minute passed or dead. When attempting
to ress, ress first then constantly cast heal rain. If they get targeted it is
up to them to know how to run either by using di or paku tanking. Buff when
you’re safe and remember the sequence. Quickstep then heap. When all targets
are down except the tanks, try to hc them as much as possible without dieing.
Also don’t forget about ur pills, as soon as your targeted by asal or hit of
penya, pill. I understand this is a lot to remember but just try to do it. Most
importantly of all is HAVE FUN!!!!! Don’t pressure yourself into thinking that
everyone is dependent on you, you’ve been teaching me to be dependent what
about them, everyone is probably older then me and should know how to look
after themselves.

Extra 2:

This is
based on my thinking and could be useful for rose to read. Paku will probably
attempt to take out the tanks, don’t = = try to tank them yourselves. You
should try to completely eliminate your threat first which will be mostly yoyo
jester, leave the psy to wooof and bp’s and elementors to trickazz. They can
take them down with much greater ease. What they cant do is take out tanks,
they rely on either a big hit or making their skills uselses. You’re the hard
hitter, you will be the one taking down the tanks with 10 blows or so. Don’t
worry concentrate and I’m sure you can do great. Rose will be there to assist
you when your stuck, just stay alive and hit anything you really can whether
its mage, ranger or a tank. Taking out rm when u got the chance is quite good
too as they have limited chance of escaping from roughly 5 of your hits. As
soon as u reach them you will definitely get 5 hits or so on them as long as
they haven’t already started running. Try to ignore magic caster and keep a
distance from them. If they happen to be in close range, fuck them up,
practically instant death for them with ur lga’s. don’t worry about bp’s too
much, they dead when they get near you. Especially other blades, ultimate pvp
blade is u. wooof your hp might be small but don’t forget your dark illusions
skills. Even though you’re a ranger, don’t tank that much especially if there
are magic casters around and bps. Keep your distance from bp’s and let paku and
trickaz take them out. Your class is very fishy, harras the rm make them scared
and kill the magic casters. Doesn’t take much with your stats fuckin 300 dex
omg. Trickaz I’ve seen what u can do in arena and you know what your doin. Not
much to say, do what u do best, hit and run. When only the tanks are left, bash
them everywhere and pissed them off. You can take out rm’s when u gets the
chance but with the team I think we got. Go for those that hit hard that can
take u out in a blow first.

Well I hope this has helped and feel free to add
anything you like. For all I know I can be absolutely wrong with my theories
and plz do update them. My knowledge is a year old now and might not be
accurate but should be close enough. Also mamma, stop thinking your such a bad
rm. If you were me, u will understand cause I have died at least 100 times
cause of nurse dcing and doin the wrong things, sorry for saying bad things
behind your back nurse buts its true and I know that you know. But nevertheless
you helped me a lot and I don’t regret having died those many times as even
though I died, I did manage to have fun or feel some kind of achievement. Nurse
you might be my angle giving me hope, shining in light letting me level, but
rose you’re my goddess. You made it possible, I lvl so quickly and with such
little stress when your with me. I really appreciate all the time you have
dedicated to me, and even if you don’t remember, this is why I didn’t want to
lose you. Selfish of me as it is, I tried to keep you for myself because you
really are that great. Your so caring, kind and willing, its why I call u mamma
and not sissy(also sissy sounds more mean). Your one of the best fs I know
besides from Samuel and myself. You learnt how to do cw, you can learn how to
do this, im sure of it. You got more potential then me by far. After learning
this, you would have passed me and you will be the best fs I know. Even though
your disadvantaged compared to other fs’es, don’t worry, as soon as I can, ill
even start helping you get everything you need. When that will be I don’t know,
but I do know that everyone else in this guild does care about you and needs
you. They wont be so eager as to tease you or force you till you leave the
game, for all I know, if u wanted something, you would be the first person they
would help besides themselves.

Sorry for the swearing in the first section, exxagerating pionts, paku and wooof are just so wow

Posts : 24
Join date : 2007-11-25
Age : 33

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Hopefully this Helps Mamma!!!! Empty Re: Hopefully this Helps Mamma!!!!

Post  Roseline Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:04 pm

T_T i wanna cry! 555555555555555555~~~
even mic keep saying attack opponent's rm first... Sad
Meaning!!!!!! i will be targetted >.<
wahhhhhhhhhh, i wanna hide, i dun wanna be seen!
hmm, should i use aibat trans?? or no?? @_@

hehe, i just wanna say.. after reading i feeel less stressful... Wink
You're soo sweet, caring and kind~~~~ and cute, and handsome, and smart, and MAN, and sexy~~ what else?? hehe~~~ I love you Can i kiss you please??? >.<

for now, i will try to increase my hp level, and then buy ref, act, eel, ress scroll, what else do i need??
hmm, i will do my best during guild seige, hope i won't disappoint you guys~! >.<

IF i am not good enough, teach me please.
IF i am wrong, correct me please.
IF u know how i can serve u better, tell me please.
Dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu~~~ ^^

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Hopefully this Helps Mamma!!!! Empty wooof

Post  wooof Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:20 pm

say you will never listen
listen you will never do
do you will do wrong
wrong you will never change
change you will never correct
correct you will never admit.

hehehehe J/K J/K

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Join date : 2007-11-23

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Hopefully this Helps Mamma!!!! Empty Re: Hopefully this Helps Mamma!!!!

Post  Roseline Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:40 am

LOL, wooof knows me sooo well, wakakakaka~ >.<
yooo~ i WILL change la, tell me first, ok? ok??? Razz

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Hopefully this Helps Mamma!!!! Empty Re: Hopefully this Helps Mamma!!!!

Post  clementclj Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:28 am

tats alot of info there once again thks to our senior member mic ^^.......well we try our best to show them there not only Jade and Redrum can do siege in KERN!!!!!!

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